
Hunny’s debut album, Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes., has some of their greatest works to date. The band was able to successfully experiment with their sound and staying true to the music we’ve come to know them for. This album takes the audience through a story of unrequited love.

“Lula, I’m Not Mad”, the first track, sets the tone for the entire album. This upbeat tune with emotional lyrics will have you dancing and remembering your ex at the same time. The repetitive line of “my bed is a hospital” depicts how often this common household item has helped him heal after his love interest constantly hurts him.

What I like about “Change Ur Mind” and “Smarter Way of Saying It” is how different these songs are compared to the rest of the album. The former definitely experiments with the instrumentals in this track. The use of a synthesizer with a new rhythmic sound I had never heard before makes the song stand out among the rest of the album. Whereas “Smarter Way of Saying it” leaves the listener wanting more with how short it is. Yarger, in this song, has fallen “out of love” and is moving on from his love interest.

“A Slow Death in Pacific Standard Time” has the classic Hunny vibe. The call-and-response within the chorus adds more complexity to the song’s arrangement. This also makes the song fun to dance to. The same with “Everything Means Everything Meant Everything.” I can already see myself yelling that track’s chorus at their next concert.

“Saturday Night”, despite its upbeat tune, is the saddest song, lyrically, on the whole album. Yarger sings about how in love he is, however, the feeling is completely disregarded by his love interest depicted by the band Bleached. “When you never called back / I don’t remember that / I cried, I cried, I cried.”

Out of all the songs on this album, “Ritalin” has to be my favorite. The vocal arrangement at the chorus is fun to sing along to. The first time I heard this song I couldn’t help but turn the volume up on my phone and dance around my room. “Halloween” is the perfect song to close out this album. In comparison to “Ritalin”, this more chilled out track will mellow you out after dancing to the aforementioned song.

What I like about this album is that it doesn’t recycle previously released singles. All tracks on this album are completely new and incorporate elements of their other EPs. I can’t wait to hear what Hunny comes up with next in terms of future music projects and the visuals they create based on these songs!