This next actress can be seen on Netflix's upcoming movie, Bright, along with many other talented actors like Will Smith and Joel Edgerton. Nadia Gray, born in Florida, has had an amazing impact on the acting world since she started to seriously pursue acting at age twenty. Bright, though the most recent for Gray, as it releases in just a couple months, is definitely not the least special -- with her appearances in various TV shows, this actress is definitely one to keep an eye on. Bright will be released on Netflix December 22, 2017, but in the mean time, make sure to check out the trailer on YouTube now!
When did you first realize that you wanted to be an actress?
NADIA: "For as long as I can remember! My love for movies began at a very young age, and it was always something I dreamed about. It just took me awhile to realize I could actually go for it!"
What was your first ever audition like?
NADIA: "Oh, it was tragic. It was for a recurring role on a soap opera with a very well known, long running casting director. I was visibly shaking. I was so green and put way too much pressure on myself! Safe to say I did not book that job."
Do you have a certain method you use when you get into character?
NADIA: "I don't really. I've got my own weird thing that works for me though. And I guess the first place I start every time is over-learning my lines. I learn them until I can say them backwards. I feel like this gives me the most freedom when performing. Sort of like it gives me more flexibility in the moment when all the other variables are unknown."
If you could star alongside anybody in either a TV show or movie, who would it be and why?
NADIA: "Ah, it’s so hard to narrow down! Right away though my mind jumps to Stranger Things. That ensemble is next level amazing. Bright and Strangers Things crossover! Who says there can't be elves in the upside-down?! The Duffer brothers maybe, but a girl can dream."
You star alongside Will Smith in the Netflix film Bright – what was it like working on the set?
NADIA: "Working on that set was such a dream, it was hard to believe I deserved being there. I was surrounded by the most talented, hardworking people in the business, so I was just trying to keep my eyes and ears open to learn as much as I could. It was hands down the best experience of my career thus far."
Do you have any favorite memories of working on the set?
NADIA: "Well, every second I had with David Ayer directing me was incredible, and I truly believe I'm a better actor for it. And doing my own stunts was the best shoot day of my life! But day to day, some of my best memories made were in fight training leading up to shooting. My Sensei and trainer became treasured friends of mine, and I miss those days spent laughing and getting my ass kicked!"
For those waiting patiently to see Bright, what would you say they can look forward to the most from the movie?
NADIA: "I would say straight up escapism. Viewers will take a trip into this brand new world that David and Max Landis made so real and grounded. And you know that feeling when you're watching acting so flawless that you forget you're watching them, and instead you're a witness to their life as the character? That. And it'll be the most fun you've had watching a movie in a long time."