by sara welden

photo courtesy of the band light

From high school theater practice to now rehearsing for shows playing alongside artists like Quarters of Change and the Jonas Brothers, THE BAND LIGHT is a Nashville based pop-rock group who are rolling out their unique and vintage sound across the country. The band took the time to chat with us about early beginnings, touring, their brand new singles, and more which you can read below!

I read that you all met through your high school’s student production of Footloose. Who or what initially prompted the conversation about starting a band and making music together?

THE BAND LIGHT: “When Footloose was canceled due to Covid, we all decided to get together and make our own versions of the songs while in quarantine to honor the excitement we all had for wanting to do the show. When that was finished, we just started writing a few songs together, and that felt so right. We knew that the connection we had through the music was special, so we just started to write more and more and build the connection with each other more and more, and then THE BAND LIGHT was a genuine product of our shared love of music and connection.”

What does your friendship look like outside of work? What do you guys do when you aren’t performing or making music?

THE BAND LIGHT: “We have the type of friendship where ‘doing things’ together isn’t a necessity. We can do anything together and it’s a blast because it’s each other, you know. But we enjoy seeing movies together, obviously making music and just jamming, and we love to go to Jack’s house to hang out. His fianceé always cooks for us and we heavily look forward to those nights. Shout out Lydia!”

Because of your theater background, I have to ask, if your music could have been the soundtrack of any musical or movie, which would it be?

THE BAND LIGHT: “Well, I think it would be wrong to not say Footloose, right? But honestly, I would say our own. It has always been a dream of ours to make a movie or musical and write the music for it. We have so many plans outside of just music that hopefully will come to fruition one day.”

You guys recently supported Quarters of Change on a few stops of their “The Portraits Tour.” What was that experience like? Can we expect some more live shows or a tour in the future from you?

THE BAND LIGHT: “The Portraits Tour was a fantastic experience. The QOC guys are the best and we really look up to them a lot. We relate to them in a lot of ways, and so it was fun to get to hang out with them and get to play some of the best shows we’ve ever played in the meantime. We are itching to get back on the road and play more as soon as we possibly can!”

Your two most recent singles “Lover Girl” and “Flower Song” are really great! What does your typical creative process look like when it comes to making songs? Who typically contributes what?

THE BAND LIGHT: “Thank you so much! Our creative process really changes with the seasons, but this upcoming cycle of songs mostly started with Konnor and Trevor; since they live together they come up with the initial rough ideas, and then they bring them to Garrett and Jack and they are fantastic at helping mold those rough ideas into fleshed out bodies of work. Sometimes the process is the other way around too. We have a very piecey creative process, but it has worked in a beautiful way.”

If you could go back and visit your high school theater selves now after all you’ve accomplished so far as a band, what would you say?

THE BAND LIGHT: “Keep going, and keep pushing. The best is yet to come. :)”

With your 2024 already off to an amazing start, what can we expect next from THE BAND LIGHT? Any items on your bucket list as a band?

THE BAND LIGHT: “We have plenty of new music to share in this next year and are extremely excited for everyone to hear it! We are also looking forward to being on the road and being able to give something to the people that have been supporting us! As for our bucket list, I know we all would love to play stadiums, get our own pinball machine, and have our own Fortnite skins.”