by martina rexrode

photo by sydney tate

With an incredibly personal pool of material to dip her lyrics into and a self-described sound that invites a dissociative feeling, Philadelphia-based singer-songwriter Christina Ward is set to release her latest single “Darkstar.” This single is off of her forthcoming EP Neon, and we were lucky enough to talk to her before this exciting release.

At the time of this interview, your next single is out in just over a month! How are you feeling as the release date gets closer?

Christina: “I'm excited to get it out into the universe!”

What does this single mean to you? Where did you pull inspiration from?

Christina: “Writing is an outlet for me, so it wasn’t difficult to go there, but it is difficult to share the experiences. I feel like I have to, in a way, find some meaning in it. Life is so random.”

You also have an EP out later this summer titled Neon. How does “Darkstar” set listeners up for what they’ll hear on the EP?

Christina: “It’s a demo version of what we do live. I think it fits in well with the rest of the EP, but this track was recorded in a bedroom mostly. I sent it out for bass and drum tracks. It might be the ‘darkest song on the EP [laughs].”

What led you to bring the band in for the first time on these new songs?

Christina: “We had been playing these songs out for a while before recording them, so all the parts were written. Usually, I write parts as I record them. It made the process of recording much easier, I think, having everything thought out and ready to go.”

Can you tease a little bit about one of your favorite tracks off the EP?

Christina: “I think ‘Darkstar’ might be my favorite, or possibly ‘Alive.’ I'm not sure what my favorite would be from the entire catalog — I write and record songs and rarely go back and listen to them after they’ve been released. It’s like looking back at journal entries from a year ago or something. Can be too painful, and maybe the songwriting process, for me, is a way to move forward from certain things.”

Have you gotten involved in the Philadelphia music scene at all? If so, what aspects have you taken away from that community of local musicians?

Christina: “I’m such a nomad — couch surfing, staying in a few spots at once — I hate to say I’m from anywhere or part of any scene. I’m mostly based in the burbs, but I do play a lot in the city as well. I’m so fortunate to know so many amazing musicians and bands from in and outside of Philadelphia; it’s a tight-knit community and it’s inspiring.”

Which artists inspired you when you were younger? Can you find any pieces of their artistry within your own music?

Christina: “Led Zeppelin was a huge influence. Jane’s Addiction, Living Colour, Pixies — too many to list here. I’ve always loved music, particularly the guitar. I didn’t come from a musical household, so a lot of stuff I discovered on my own or from friends. I think some of it comes out in my songwriting. You might be able to pick out pieces.”

How would you describe your sound to someone who’s never listened to your music before?

Christina: “Sad shoegaze-y indie/prog/rock that you can disassociate to. <3”