intro by madden levin
interview by cami liberty
photo courtesy of ark woods
There is no doubt that this next artist is approaching the music industry in his own unique way, determined to make a name for himself. Ark Woods creates absolutely infectious tunes that come from a very special place: his experiences. Tackling real life issues in his music is something that Ark Woods is extremely proud of and made us more than excited to speak with him about some of his processes. With his new track “Slide On You” out now, he talks with us a bit about what it was like putting it together with some amazing individuals. After you read through our exclusive conversation with him, make sure to check out his social media to stay up to date on all things Ark Woods!
When did you first realize that you wanted to be a musician?
Ark Woods: “When I released my first album, Hell and HI Water, I expected it to break the internet and take the world by storm. I have no idea why, because looking back on it, it was the most lackluster thing I’ve ever made. But still, upon release day, I made sure my phone was on me all day, answering every scam call and foreign number because I was positive one of them was going to be Jay-Z desperately wanting to sign me before everyone else. Laughable, I know. I had no idea what I was thinking, but it was after the reality set in that it doesn’t really happen like that, I decided, formally, that I wanted to try again. And again, and again until I got where I wanted to be. Until I was somewhere musically and mentally that I could be proud of. So I guess the long answer would be March 2017.”
For those who have not heard your music yet, how would you describe it?
AW: “For those who haven’t heard my music yet, I would describe it as the worst possible thing I’ve ever heard. Ten thousand children all scratching a chalkboard at the same time while simultaneously asking painfully obvious questions. That way, when they finally do listen (purely out of curiosity) they’ll be pleasantly surprised, and not only like the music, but also fall madly in love with my humility.”
You just released your new single “Slide On You.” Can you tell us a bit about this track and how it came to be?
AW: “All the credit for how good this song sounds has to go to RUSL, the producer. He kills but also blesses everything he touches, he’s like the grim reaper version of Midas in a way. It’s fun, it’s energetic. If it were personified, it would be the kind of person who always has a smile on his face, and because of that, is very good with the ladies.”
How has the pandemic affected you and your creativity process?
AW: “I’m sure, like most other artists out there, suddenly found themselves with an exponentially larger amount of time to focus on their craft, and I can’t complain personally. I know that it’s such a bittersweet feeling because so many people lost their lives and homes and jobs and livelihoods, so any changes to my life in the larger scheme seem so minuscule. I guess I can just say that I’m grateful for how life has been turning out for me, and as soon as possible I want to focus on those who weren’t so fortunate, however I can help.”
What do you hope listeners will take away from your music?
AW: “I hope I can make at least one person smile a day. I think that’s a pretty modest goal. That’s one main focus when I write songs actually. I put myself in the shoes of someone who just needs a little cheering up, and I try to feel, write, say, sing exactly what I’d want to hear to feel better. Sometimes it’s a witty distraction, and others it’s a heartfelt nod of ‘I understand, you’re not alone, it gets better.’ I hope you take away just enough love or happiness to pass it on to someone around you.”
Is there anything else we can expect from you in the near future?
AW: “More music, definitely. More annoyingly long interview answers too. And lastly, a smile, always a smile.”