by pankhuri bhutani
photo courtesy of stefan rossi
Australian-born Italian hip-hop Artist Stefan Rossi has grown up balancing two sides of himself, the charismatic, loving entertainer and the fearful over-thinker with anxiety. After a surreal mental episode concerned with physical health problems that didn’t exist, he finally broke. Stefan had to reflect deeply and it was then he truly knew he had to make a decision either continuing to run from his mind or take control of his life.
“Kids” is the first single from Stefan Rossi for the year 2022 but the last single until the release of his Faith Over Fear EP. We recently had a chance to talk to the talented Stefan Rossi about his music journey.
Hi there Stefan. Thank you for joining us on Unclear! How is 2022 going for you so far?
Stefan: “2022 has been great, I’ve been enjoying a lot of time with my wife and newborn son. All my music from the EP has been completed, so I’ve started to work on new material.”
How are you maintaining your creativity during times like these?
Stefan: “Writing, always writing. But being open to new experiences, learning about myself in different situations. That way the writing is about life and the journey we’re on.”
What can you tell us about your recent single “Kids?” Kindly walk us through the creative process for the track.
Stefan: “I had been writing a lot about how I’ve overcome a lot of anxiety, and in a way, it was all about me taking responsibility. However, I had never explained the people and ideologies I chose to walk away from, and the writing in this song details those things.”
Did you face any sort of challenge while creating this project?
Stefan: “This sound had a very a different sonic in the beginning. Danny Duke (my producer) and I had a prominent guitar riff in the track, although this didn’t really captivate us transitioning into the chorus. All my parts had been recorded and everything else was sounding great, so Danny really dug deep and found a way to change that guitar and give you the song you have today. That took some time finding what was right for the track.”
Let’s talk about your upcoming EP Faith Over Fear that you will soon be releasing for your fans. First of all, huge congratulations on the EP! How is this anticipation period going for you? Feeling nervous or excited to finally put this project out there?
Stefan: “It’s been a long journey. Danny and I have been working together for two years and have been consistently smashing out singles, so it will be nice to have all of those songs in one body of work.
I think it’s good nerves. I’m just so excited for everyone to hear it, definitely a bit of both.”
Is there anything that you can tell us in regards to this EP? What sort of message do you aim for the listeners to take away from this project?
Stefan: “Faith Over Fear, I think it sums a lot of it up in the title. I was making all of my decisions in life with fearful outcomes in the back of my mind. Truth is, only I had the power to change that. I chose faith, faith in God, faith in the universe, faith in my family, faith in my path. Faith in ME.”
Where do you garner your musical influences from? If given an opportunity, who would you like to work and collaborate with in the future?
Stefan: “I garner it from all different artists. I grew up playing guitar so a lot of my early musical journey was in the rock and metal space. I grew up with my family listening to a lot of Billy Joel, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Elvis, Stevie Wonder… There are so many hip-hop artists I’d love to work with, however I love the Dua Lipa/Elton John song and I’d love to do a song with Billy Joel and Sia… maybe all on the same track! I can rap over Stiletto off of his 52nd Street album [laughs].”
What’s next for you, Stefan? Any plans on your upcoming projects?
Stefan: “My goal is always to travel to Australia to perform shows, whether that be with another artist or on my own. I can feel that happening soon. Once the EP is out, it’s back to the drawing board with Danny Duke and Chunky Luv.”
Lastly, is there any message that you’d like to convey to your fans reading this interview right now?
Stefan: “Thanks so much for all your support, it’s been a long journey and I’ve grown so much as a person as much as I have musically and I’m very grateful that so many of you have stuck with me. I love you all!”