by sara welden

End Of it All'' is an exceptionally earnest new release from DWLLRS, a California duo consisting of Bren Eisman and Joey Spurgeon. At its core, the song is an anthem for all of the lonely hearts. Throughout the track, DWLLRS takes us on a melodic journey of recognition and yearning, alluding to the many heartbreaks of life while also acknowledging that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

The hauntingly beautiful vocals and piano set the tone for the song and are accompanied by lyrics like “Before you love somebody, better love yourself.” With refreshingly candor lyrics like these, DWLLRS allude to a lesson that is often difficult to learn, but necessary to understand for a person’s growth.

“End Of it All” is a musical whirlwind of emotions that concludes with reassuring optimism. “At the end of it all, I hope I lived it a little different than just being alive.” Life is full of low points and loneliness, but it is also full of genuine, outpouring love and light. Through “End Of it All,” DWLLRS reminds us to seek solace in life’s highs while also having the courage to embrace the lows.