by martina rexrode
photo courtesy of maya j
Maya J, an all around talent with a background as a trained violinist, just released “Chills,” her first single since 2021. The single brings a fresh yet familiar twist to her signature sound, bringing the listener in with its jazz elements layered under her smooth vocal delivery. As the executive producer of Glitter Rain Entertainment, her RIAA-member record label, Maya J is excited to get back into the swing of releasing music for her fans to hear. We talked with Maya J about this single, how she’s changed in the time since her last release, and all of her creative endeavors.
First of all, congratulations on your new single! How does it feel to start off the new year with the release of “Chills”?
Maya: “Thank you! Ahh, it feels amazing. ‘Chills’ has a vibe that just represents where I am now musically, vocally, and spiritually. I’m happy to share it with the universe!”
In which ways might “Chills” separate itself as a single from your previous releases?
Maya: “It’s interesting that people think this song is different and I see what you mean. I went from ‘Symptoms’ to ‘Come Find Me,’ to ‘Unconditional’ love, to getting in ‘Trouble’ for you, then finally being able to say that I have ‘Chills’ down my spine. I believe that the reason it feels different mostly has to do with the musical arrangement. I’ve always had emotionally mature themes within my songs, but I know ‘Chills’ feels a little bluesier and jazzier than my previous records. It feels fresh in that way. ‘Chills’ was just the right song for this sound. ‘Chills’ is still a Maya J classic in that it’s a pretty melody, it’s soft, it has a vibe, and it’s R&B-pop with that indie flavor and minor chord structure & tone. ‘Chills’ in some ways pushes the Maya bar a little bit further on the lyrically-sensual-thematic material spectrum, thus making it a tad spicier than previous releases of mine.”
This is your first release since 2021! What made you choose this single to be the one you came back with nearly three years later?
Maya: “Time is flying. Yes! I’m happy to finally have new music out and coming in 2024. I’m not sure how this became the first single back, something just said it was right. Something just told me that it was supposed to be ‘Chills.’ Right now, I even know what my next recording is going to be. These things kinda just come to me, maybe it’s because I’m a Pisces. We’re psychic, haha!”
How have you evolved, personally and creatively, since 2021?
Maya: “Well, so much has happened since 2021. Glitter Rain Entertainment operations are hard work, but I always strive to display my work ethic and make sure I do everything in the best way possible, so I can’t allow myself to stay frustrated since I #ChoseThatLife. In 2022, after handling multiple releases from 2021, and even writing music for a show that a network pulled the plug on, I took a break to focus on my own life experiences, my songwriting, the organization of my artistic projects, and my acting career. I spent time at an improv comedy theater I love, and that breathed new life into me and reminded me why I even entered the entertainment business. I’m so thankful for that time. My sister moved back closer to me and my mom, and I am cherishing that as well. It wasn’t until 2023 that I decided to get back in the studio. While the actor’s strike was happening (in 2023), I spent a lot of time being a voice in support of us (as most actors were doing) and focusing on my music, which included producer hunting and then finally signing new deals in the summer (of ’23). That all led to January of 2024 starting with a fresh new music release, with more to come in the months ahead. I can’t believe it has been over two years, that’s really how fast time flies. I believe that we as humans are evolving everyday, and so with almost three years since a release, I definitely know I’ve evolved. I’m growing everyday, and I’m proud to represent that growth within my music and outside of my music.”
How does your background as a violinist bleed into your life as a songwriter, producer, and artist?
Maya: “I’m glad you asked this, because I am always so thankful to have a background as a trained musician, especially now that I work on creating music all of the time. My musical knowledge really helps me communicate my thoughts during production effectively, and it helps me understand instrumentation during the record making process that I don’t think I’d understand if I hadn’t been a violinist all my life.”
What was it like to expand into directing with the music video for your 2019 release “Like You?” Can we expect a music video for this single?
Maya: “Creatively taking the reins is something that I do for everything I’ve done since the beginning from the ‘Symptoms of You’ era. With ‘Like You,’ I even re-shot some of the video because it was not meeting all of my expectations during the first round. I will go full throttle to infinity, and I think that’s a testament to strength that I didn’t know I had before I owned a label and started making records. As far as a ‘Chills’ music video, we’ll definitely have digital photo books, a visualizer, and lyric video content. But my next full throttle music video might not be for ‘Chills.’ I think fans will be pleasantly surprised at what I have in mind.”
What do you think fans might gravitate towards within this single? What do you hope they get out of it?
Maya: “I hope that fans will gravitate towards the melody, my songwriting, and my voice; I hope this single gets people in a fuzzy mood and helps contribute to keeping love alive. I want everyone to have happy ‘Chills.’”
Is there anything else you’d like to share with us about “Chills” or about what fans might look for from you this year?
Maya: “Stream ‘Chills,’ add it to your playlists and enjoy it. Subscribe to my website for exclusive news and content! Another single is coming out in a few weeks, and I’m so excited to share it. I have one hint… 👑. Also, go ahead and give my brand new TikTok account a follow, it’s @mjjsquared. I literally did it guys, this is monumental. I finally have a TikTok. But of course for all other music/tv/film updates my IG is @mayajenkinsforever. So excited for all that’s going on right now. Most importantly… STAY SPARKLY! xo — Maya J”