by martina rexrode
photo by marcus giesen
Laura von Mari is carving out a singular path for herself in the music world with the recent release of her EP Forevermore. Even with a long list of influences from her earliest years, it’s hard to deny the originality seeping throughout each of the five songs. From complicated memories of an ex-girlfriend to more fictionalized songs crafting characters who explore unique perspectives, von Mari introduces herself to new listeners with an incredibly strong point of view. We talked to her about the new EP, her journey through multiple genres, and dream collaborations.
Congratulations on the release of your EP Forevermore! How does it feel to have this project in the hands (and ears) of listeners?
Laura: “Amazing to have it finally done and out in the world!”
How would you describe the energy of the EP as a whole to someone listening for the first time?
Laura: “Hooky, groovy and smooth.”
Do you have a favorite song off of Forevermore? If so, what makes it your favorite?
Laura: “At the moment it’s ‘Fog.’ It has such a hypnotic and relaxed vibe to it.”
Were there any songs that changed significantly between when they were written in 2019 up until now?
Laura: “Only ‘Forevermore,’ the title track. I worked with my engineer, Greg, to get it to sound more Y2K and have a cool breakdown for the bridge.”
How did your time at Goldsmiths College influence your way of creating music?
Laura: “It pushed me massively outside my comfort zone and asked me hard questions like WHY I even make music in the first place. It definitely exposed an inner layer I was keeping hidden.”
What influenced the genre switch from dance music to indie pop?
Laura: “Well, I was always writing pop music since I was young. It was actually in London that I got into producing dance music. Pop was just me returning home to my roots. But I haven’t given up making dance music and intend to keep going!”
Which aspects of the wide range of artists you grew up listening to (Britney Spears, Steely Dan, Debussy) did you tap into for this EP?
Laura: “All of them and none of them at the same time. This project feels singularly ‘me.’ But I’d say I lean on all of them as my foundation when it comes to melody-writing, pop groove, jazz voicings and spicier composition.”
Out of those artists, who do you think you’d create the most interesting collaboration with?
Laura: “Oh, good question. I think Steely Dan. I love their storytelling and the complexity of their compositions. I would learn so much crafting a song with them if I could go back in time and work with Don Fagen and Walter Becker together.”