by lauren kovolenko
photo courtesy of deathbyromy and party favor
Party Favor and DeathbyRomy are the dynamic duo you didn't know you needed until now. Read on to learn about their creative process behind a new song they have worked on together. Also, get to know them a bit more as individuals — we loved their introspection and conversation. You will want to check these two out!
For those that don't know you, what's your elevator pitch? What got you into the music genre you currently are in?
Party Favor: “Hi, I’m Dylan AKA Party Favor and I make music to lose your mind to and then on a second listen question the universe and your existence.
I don’t even know if I honestly have a genre. Most of my music would fall under the EDM sub-genre of ‘Trap,’ but I feel like I’m more of just a bass artist. Actually let’s make a new genre, Energy.”
Your music can be described as very high energy, how do you bring that energy to the physical stage?
Party Favor: “See!!! Energy is the keyword in this interview, haha. Music for me is how I let loose and free myself from any mental constraints I might have. I feel most comfortable on stage and always have since I was a little kid wanting to be an actor. I think there’s something freeing in putting on a performance and becoming PF on stage and then I can be Dylan when I am back at home.”
Describe yourself in three words. What kind of music would you consider yourself to make?
DeathbyRomy: “I’m raw, honest and unafraid. I make heavy pop.”
What is your favorite milestone in your music career so far?
DeathbyRomy: “Recently getting to go play at a festival in Malta with one of my favorite bands Bring Me The Horizon.”
"Hollow" brings both of your personal music vibes perfectly together. How did you make this happen? What was the creative process behind this track?
Party Favor: “‘Hollow’ started as this demo from my friend and producer Connor Waine and this amazing writer Kole who started this vocal as an idea for me. It wasn’t anything like it is now, but I was able to hear where I wanted to take it. It felt so perfect for the album. It was dark and moody while still feeling epic in scope. I wanted to almost make my version of a Nine Inch Nails song. I immediately thought of Romy, and when we got into the studio together I knew she was the perfect fit. One of my favorite records on the album and I feel like it came together really organically.”
DeathbyRomy: “‘Hollow’ was mostly complete by the time it got to me, but Party Favor and I made sure all vocals were flawless, and ironed those out the added vocal textures to perfection. As soon as I heard the track I was obsessed with the production, so I knew I had to get on it.”
What was the best part about working together? Did you work together in the studio or was it all via online?
Party Favor: “The original versions of the song were all remote, but when it came time to record her vocals, we got together in person here in LA and it was amazing. She has a great energy, look, and artistry. Her personality shines through all of her records. I liked the idea of doing a song with someone who doesn’t typically work on electronic leaning music.”
DeathbyRomy: “Together in the studio, which was great. I’ve never done a Zoom session and I never will — I can only work face to face to get the most creatively, so luckily we got to do that.”
The song is very fun, but also has a dark vibe tied into it. What are you trying to convey?
Party Favor: “Thank you! I was in a darker place myself when I started the production on it. I think we all struggle with getting inside our own head a lot, and that can build and build till you feel like you’re a hollow shell of yourself. To me, this song is about freeing yourself from that mental prison that we all put ourselves in. You want to fill that hollow void with meaning and happiness. It’s not about a specific person or thing.”
photo courtesy of deathbyromy and party favor
DeathbyRomy: “There is a theme throughout the lyrics that I feel the production carries perfectly. It is that ‘uneasy comfort’ many find in their sadness that can be both scary and manic.”
How long did it take to create the song from start to finish? Was it easier/more tasking than expected?
Party Favor: “Production was done in a couple weeks at most which is always a good sign. In my experience, If you can get the ideas out quickly it usually shows its working. The longest part was finding the right voice for the song and Romy was that voice. Maybe a four month process in all.”
Do you foresee yourselves performing "Hollow" together on a stage somewhere?
Party Favor: “Yes!!! I love performing it and I can’t wait till we get a chance to have the energy of playing it together in person. I know Romy has been playing it out at a few of her shows with a completely different live flip. I have some shows lined up in the fall I want to have her out for!”
DeathbyRomy: “Hell yeah!”
For those reading, what's your best piece of advice?
Party Favor: “Nothing comes overnight. Keep grinding/hustling/learning forever.”