by mariah estran
photo by ker
roman around tackles the multi-faceted discussion on sobriety in the latest single, “Like Me More.”
Through their own experiences — personally stepping into sobriety and watching others grapple with the effects of abuse — the song acts as a sounding board, a way to unpack collected thoughts.
A catharsis of moving basslines creates a funky tinge as sharp drum taps keep the momentum. That sturdy progression can carry you into the artist's memories.
Those recounted times hold an impact through succinctly somber words. The artist opens with, ‘5pm, you’re wasted. Self-controlling habits, Sinking like titanic.’ An introspective declaration, a recall of the past, but a cry for others.
“Like Me More” is a song that highlights the struggle of alcoholism and drug use amongst those we hold closest,” the musician says about the track. “The peer pressure of caving-in holds experiences that were never desired. Stories of trips explained to someone after they’ve forgotten what happened makes drug use not always worth the experience.”
roman around continues to build on their unique universe. Sharing authentic stories amongst multi-layered production. That one-of-a-kind sound, a riveting, thought-provoking trance. One which keeps you curious about what will follow.