by pankhuri bhutani
photo courtesy of heyholly
HeyHolly debuted towards the end of 2021 with their single “Rws” (Red Wine Season) and are quickly garnering a fanbase in the Adelaide scene. The duo, which consists of Cruise and Bryce, recently released their phenomenal new single “Vinyl.” The track is an ode to when two hearts become one. A young boy picks up a clear vinyl disc in a record store and sees the love of his life looking back at him in the reflection.
HeyHolly recently sat down with us in order to discuss the process behind their brand new project, as well as talk about what they have planned for their future projects!
Hi there, Cruise and Bryce. So lovely to have you over at Unclear! How has the start of this year been for you two?
HeyHolly: “It’s absolutely our pleasure to be able to chat with you. Thanks for having us on board. So far so good. We’ve managed to have a nice break from work, recording and just kick back and relax. It feels great, we are refreshed and ready to take on 2022.
Bryce had managed to catch the ole Covid-19, but we are back on track now with no worries at all. We eat good, we drink even better, and hopefully there’s more of that to come throughout the year.”
Let me start by talking about your latest creation, “Vinyl.” What was the general creative process like with the track?
HeyHolly: “It was quite natural to be honest with you. Cruise had found a type beat online that really caught our ear and brought together the foundation of the track. Starting with the hook really tends to be our way of getting things going. We are lucky enough to work with the super talented Jethro to get our production done, and having three of us in the studio really allows for some great collaborative writing.
We think it’s quite relatable for anyone in that honeymoon stage of their relationship while still touching on some downers through our own personal experiences. The listener could really interpret the track however they feel which is the beauty of music.”
What was the initial inspiration for this track and did you face any sort of challenge while creating “Vinyl?”
HeyHolly: “The original idea for the track started as a short film Cruise wanted to create, following a young lad into his local record store and meeting the love of his life.
We honestly don’t think we faced any challenges. Again, it was just all so natural and the juices were flowing through the entire creative process for ‘Vinyl.’ Obviously because there are two of us sometimes we can get carried away in the studio and creative differences do happen, but it just wasn’t the case with ‘Vinyl.’ Usually if that does happen Jethro tends to be that happy medium and bring us to a nice place we can agree on and it all ends up feeling like a natural high when we hit that spot.
The only real challenge was agreeing on a nice level of auto tune for Cruise’s voice on the hook. He’s got such a great voice and I really wanted that to shine, while Cruise wanted to channel his inner Kanye west [laughs]. It’s nice how it is right now and we couldn’t be any happier.”
I know it has only been a short time since HeyHolly made its debut into the music industry, but how has the overall experience been for you two so far?
HeyHolly: “It’s been amazing, it really has. We could not have come in at a better time. The world is crazy right now, so it helps being introduced to such beautiful people through the creative arts who share the same vision.
Jethro really has gone above and beyond to create a friendly social environment with so many artists. We are really starting to find our feet with the industry thanks to our new producer and artist friends in the scene, and Bianca over at Renegade is so lovely to work with. She has a drive for work and passion like we have never seen. It’s truly inspiring. A lot of this just wouldn’t be so possible if it wasn’t for them. We are having fun and that’s the most important part.”
Now that the track is officially out, how has the response been from your fans?
HeyHolly: “Great. Really great. Friends and family all over are getting around it and showing their support. New faces are tuning in and sending some love through social media, so it seems people really enjoy it. Being such a new artist, we haven’t quite managed to establish a hard core fan base but we know that’s only just around the corner. We have so much ready behind the curtains for current listeners and we just know it will also open us up to a wider audience.”
When it comes to creation of music, do you two require a specific environment to work in or does any setting work for you in terms of getting your creative juices flowing?
HeyHolly: “Bryce does his best writing in the bath, no shame in that either. It’s become quite the inside joke. Sometimes nailing the right environment isn’t as easy as it sounds. We have ideas come to us so randomly and it’s wonderful. If we are a little under the weather, or even on top of the world, those feelings really set a tone with what’s to come next and allow for different styles.
Cruise is normally singing in the van and recording his random intuitive hooks without lyrics only to come back to them later on and write, it’s great. Steven Tyler would do the same thing, just jump in the booth and sing whatever comes to him first. Also shoutout Steve Jobs because without iPhone notes it would be so much harder, it really helps to get those initial ideas down fast when you need. We would say a collaborative effort in the studio is always fun. As long as there is red wine, you’re in for a treat.”
Where do you garner your major music influences from? If given an opportunity, who would you absolutely love to collaborate and work with in the future?
HeyHolly: “Bryce’s influences come from so many genres. Growing up it was mainly hip hop and rock. Being a 90s baby and growing up with that nu metal sound was the greatest cross over and Linkin Park would be the heart of it all. These days bands like Bring Me the Horizon who manage to emulate that while still being original do inspire me. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, Sticky Fingers would be the greatest collaboration for myself. They’re classic to me. They do so much for other underground artists and Paddy is just so creative and active with the music and fans. F-POS is cool.
For Cruise — the last 10 years I’ve been torn between Mac Miller and Matt Corby, but I believe the number one biggest influence for me that is alive today would be Bobby Hall (Logic). Whether you love his music or hate it, the man is a creative genius. The main inspiration to draw from him would be his unlimited drive to not be submitted into a certain category. He pushes industry boundaries and does what is true to him. The fact that he has written two books, a movie script, and has been apart of a small acting projects is unmatched. He also dabbles heavy in pop culture which is a huge part of my life. The man is a GOAT and doesn’t get enough credit in my opinion. Love the Rattpack.”
What’s next for you two? Anything on your bucket list regarding the year 2022?
HeyHolly: We are doing it all. More singles after more singles. We just want to follow up ‘Rws’ and ‘Vinyl’ with those pop elements that we have already touched on. There is an EP in the works with a darker tone to it that we cannot wait to start showing more of. It’s quite theatrical and cinema like if we are completely honest with you.
We already have the title track for that finished, and without being bias it’s something you have not heard before and it genuinely sounds big and beautiful. We would love to have a big production music video on release for that. Expect collaborations and just expect our full focus on our music. Live shows will eventually come into action when the time is right. It’s all about the studio for us now.”
Lastly, is there any message that you would like to convey to your fans reading this interview right now?
HeyHolly: “Smile. It doesn’t cost a thing and it’s contagious. The world needs it. Be in the present because there is no other moment other than this moment right now. The past isn’t coming back and the future can’t hurt if you don’t let it.
Lastly… keep HeyHolly on your radar because it’s just the beginning and we are coming full force this year with no plans on looking back.
We are happy, we are healthy, we are humble.”