by mariah estran
photo by randall slavin
From Disney’s Bunk’d to the Netflix musical A Week Away, actor Kevin Quinn is no stranger to the stage. But now, he’s giving his fans a little something of his own. His debut, heartwarming single, “Wildfire.”
The lively tune shines light through the dismal times. A three-minute reminder that there’s a fire in us all, even when we least expect it. “You can be going through the darkest of times, but it’s that wildfire in your heart that keeps you going,” the singer explains about the track.
While “Wildfire” is just the introduction to Quinn’s sound, he’s been writing and working for quite some time. Penning songs on the set and in-between film takes, there’s a collection of work waiting to be released. As the pandemic paused the customary, Quinn worked to hone his craft, leading to a fascination with R&B, and ultimately, his inspiring debut.
The singer-songwriter took time to talk to us about “Wildfire.” Elaborating on the songwriting process, the music video, finding his inspirations, and how he hopes to develop as an artist.
You have embarked on your official musical journey with your new single “Wildfire.” I read that for some time, you have been writing numerous songs. For you, what made “Wildfire” the song you wanted listeners to be introduced to first?
Kevin: “It bridged the gap perfectly from what I was doing with A Week Away stuff and where it’s going in the future. Besides myself, my team and I are really the ones who know where it’s going and have heard what’s coming out afterward.
‘Wildfire’ was the perfect way to bridge the gap from the kind of soundtrack, musical theater film vibe to where we are going. I think you’re going to see that it's going to take a more mature trajectory. Especially as these other songs come out.”
“Wildfire” holds inspiring lyrics about keeping your head up and fighting through the rough times with a push from the wildfire type of feeling. How did the songwriting process help you work through the emotions this track presents?
K: “I think for me, it’s always a catharsis feeling. There was a lot of conversation that happened in that room. I got to give it up to Ricky Jackson, my topliner. I feel like he was just so receptive, and I can bounce my ideas off him easily. It came from this place of wanting to be positive in, otherwise, dark situations. I went through a time in my life that wasn’t so great. I was like, what if there’s a way to turn this around into something positive?
I felt like ‘Wildfire’ was that. You can be going through the darkest of times, but it’s that wildfire in your heart that keeps you going.”
The music video for the track continues to show that positive, get-back-up again attitude with those dancing-in-the-living-room scenes. How do you feel the video compliments the track?
K: “It captures who I am as an artist, but just me in general. I got to give it up to Roman White. He directed A Week Away and this music video. It felt very familiar working with him again; it was a comfortable set.
I had suggested over a phone call: what if we put dancing in there? It should have that energy. No one in CCM is really dancing in their videos. So, I was like, alright, here’s a hole in the market. I’m going to try to pull this off. Luckily, I think I did."
I feel like the energy of the music video compliments the energy of the track. And it still tells a story. We see at the beginning of the music video — I drop my phone. But we never really find out what I heard. That’s because it doesn’t matter. Regardless of what it was, it’s like, it’s that wildfire that got me through it. That’s why I love the video; it tells a story.”
The single holds this electrifying pop sound! As you have started developing your music, who have been some of your musical inspirations?
K: “Justin Timberlake has been a big influence. I tend to watch their trajectory as they evolve in their career. For instance, someone like Justin Timberlake, where he started, and where he is now. Even Adam Levine and Maroon 5. Compare Songs About Jane to Jordi and Red Pill Blues. It’s a completely different sound. I love when pop artists evolve with their music.”
How are you hoping you see yourself evolve through your music?
K: “Believe it or not, ‘Wildfire’ is one of the older songs I wrote a while back. It continues to take a new sound naturally. I’ve kind of experimented with these different vibes. One thing I am looking forward to (and am surprised actually worked) is this kind of R&B thing that is showing up in music now. Kind of like Bieber’s Purpose.
I got Theron Feemster, who did ‘Life Is Worth Living’ — some of those tracks on Justin Bieber’s album — to work on the project. Those songs are my favorite just because he made something work that I wasn’t sure would work. Not only did it work, but it also sounded great. I’m excited about the way the music is sounding.”
You have had the opportunity to be a part of projects such as Netflix’s A Week Away and Disney’s Bunk’d. But you’ve also grown-up taking part in musical productions and sang in choirs. So, the passion for music has always been there! What made this current moment the perfect time to start focusing on your own music?
K: “To be honest, it was really the pandemic — as much as I want to think it wasn’t. I was steadily and heavily working in the film and television industry before the pandemic. So, when the pandemic happened, no actors could go on set. I had been writing music in-between takes, in-between projects. But the pandemic was the perfect opportunity to utilize that downtime. The first three months of the stay-at-home order, I was just writing on Zoom, continuing to hone that craft. I wrote quite a bit.
Not only was the composition and the writing of the song (‘Wildfire’) kind of timely, but the release is too. The pandemic is not over, but we are starting to see the other side of this for the first time. Why shouldn’t we have something super positive? I felt like the whole thing was orchestrated in terms of timing.”
This is, of course, just the beginning! What can listeners expect from the rest of the music you are about to release?
K: “They can expect it to get better! “Wildfire” is a great song, but I’m just excited for what’s to come. I’ve heard it. I’ve seen some of the other stuff we have pending release. I think they’re going to love it. I just hope that they take away the same messages that I’ve always intended, which is positivity, inspiration, hope. And they just jam out to it and sing to it. Get to know the lyrics perfectly and sing while they're driving their car. I want them to be able to relate to it on a deep level. That’s why I’m doing it.”