intro by madden levin
interview by cami liberty
photo courtesy of carly gibert
Let’s dive right in… Carly Gibert is an amazing young musical artist with power! Her ability to flex through genres amazes us and we can’t wait to see how her new music express that unique quality. Speaking of new music, we were super excited to chat with her about her newest single, “Interstellar,” which is out now! Carly’s already dedicated following is eating this song alive, so what are you waiting for? Check out our exclusive interview with Carly Gibert below before you go to make it your new most played song.
You just released your new single “Interstellar!” Can you tell us a little bit about the song and how it came about?
Carly: “Yes! I'm so excited for the release. ‘Interstellar’ is about distancing myself from someone who was making it really hard for me to grow as a person. I always put them first without thinking about what was best for me. Moving from Spain to LA felt like starting a new life, and that's when I realized that I wasn't taking care of myself. Living in LA to me felt like living in another universe, or as ‘interstellar’ itself means, ‘in between stars,’ and that's how the space theme came about. It also references the movie Interstellar (one of my favorites of all time) since I basically left everything behind to start over in a completely different setting, just like the characters in the movie.”
How does “Interstellar” differ from your previous releases “Lavish” and “LSD?”
C: “I think that ‘Interstellar’ has a darker sound and a disco-ish vibe to it. It's also more high energy than ‘Lavish’ and ‘LSD’ and definitely easier to dance to.”
How has it been for you personally creating music during the pandemic?
C: “It has honestly been a blessing and a curse. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of Zoom sessions, I really really love recording my own vocals and doing vocal production. It’s probably my favorite part of making music. I have recorded all my vocals since the pandemic started, including ‘LSD,’ in my closet or in my friend's bathroom. I definitely miss going to the studio and being able to create with other people in the room, but I would like to continue vocal producing myself. I think it makes my music more special and specific to my ear.”
What inspires you to create?
C: “My own life experiences and the ability to put my thoughts into words and share them with the world. This is the only way I know how to express myself. I'm awful at talking about my feelings. Ultimately, I want to share my story with other people who might be in a similar situation and hopefully help them feel a bit more understood. I just want to make music that means something to people and that they can connect with.
Other artists also inspire me to keep creating. Knowing that I could be doing what they're doing someday motivates me so much.”
How has being so young affected the way you approach the music scene?
C: “I got signed when I was 16, so I was very very young. I moved to LA at the same time, and I've been living by myself ever since. At first it was pretty intimidating, and I honestly had no idea of what I was doing. My A&R actually had to come to the studio sessions with me until I turned 18. I was obviously very young and inexperienced, but I've never felt like I wasn't taken seriously. I think that my age hasn't really defined how people treat me. I have to say, my team has been very careful of who they put me in sessions with, so it's always been good people around me to begin with. I've met some of my best friends in studio sessions. Having a genuine connection with the people you work with really changes everything.”
Is there anything else we can expect from you in the near future?
C: “More music!! I have two more songs coming out in the next few months, which I'm super excited about. For now, this is all I can say, but there's definitely a lot more to come. I'm not going anywhere!!”