by emma schoors

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LA-based KILLBOY’s latest single “FUCK YO FRIENDS” is a bright, eccentric, and upfront tune for anyone looking for a unique addition to their 2021 playlist.

Laid upon a simple beat, the melodic and confident vocals provide a beautiful, textured quality. While the song is not overly complex, there lies its beauty: it’s easy to listen to, and therefore is fit for a wide audience. It’s easy to get lost in the song, or play it on loop, as it has an addictive quality.

Something that’s sorely lacking in this world right now is honesty, and the single’s lyrics are as personal and honest as it gets. KILLBOY expresses her disdain for friends who aren’t supportive, and asserts that they aren’t true friends if their prerogative is to bring others down. This theme, while approached bluntly, is vital to explore: the value of true friendship, and the need to let go of friendships that don’t allow you to grow and be genuinely happy.

KILLBOY is surely going to be on more and more people’s radars musically, and “FUCK YO FRIENDS” is a great starting point in her neon, unapologetic, authentic discography.