Having his roots from Pakistan, this artist from Canada came up with his first ever track on SoundCloud called “Nike/Zeus” around three years ago which turned out to be a huge success. The song received more than 5,000 streams on the music platform.
One of Ansar.’s songs, “Sweetness” featuring Savanna, recently gained more than 30,000 streams on SoundCloud as well as more than 10,000 listeners from around the world on Spotify. With more than a thousand monthly listeners on Spotify, Ansar. is definitely one of the artists on the rise. He has gained fans from all over the world and now is becoming a subject for the talks for the upcoming rappers in the industry.
Ansar. is currently under the spotlight not only for his music but has recently gained popularity making videos on the video sharing app TikTok. With more than 1.5 Million likes and around 70,000 fans on his TikTok profile, Ansar. has gained fans from all across the globe. Ansar took some of his time to talk to Unclear Magazine regarding his experience and journey with music.
Hello Ansar! Thank you for joining us at Unclear Magazine. Kindly tell us something about yourself.
Ansar.: “Hey! My name is Ansar. Most of you know me from my TikTok’s or my musical efforts, but some things most people don’t know about it is that I’m a huge space geek, as well as a film lover! Those are two of my favorite hobbies to follow up on.”
When was the moment you decided to start your journey as a music artist?
A: “I honestly don’t think I can pinpoint it to a single point in my life since I’d write and study music all the time as a kid, but if I had to pick it would be when my best friend asked me to actually sit down and record a proper rap with him around nine years ago. The experience was so fun that we decided to continue doing it and here I am!”
How has this journey been for you so far? Any ups and downs you faced during this time?
A: “There have been so many ups and downs. Most notably the ones around the quality of my musical output. I grew up listening to conscious old-school rap, which was essentially dying out just as I started making music, as trap-music was becoming the norm. In the beginning I was not a fan of trap-music, to say the least, and every time I released something meaningful people would request I make enjoyable party music instead, much to my disdain. This led me to consider ‘quitting’ several times over the past few years, but I eventually figured out a system, a sound, and a style, that I believe stuck, and came to appreciate the new trap-genre for what it is as well. Growth is very important! This isn’t where I thought my music would be taking me, but hey, if this is what people like listening to, then so be it! There have been so many.”
If you were not in the music industry, what career would you have chosen?
A: “I guess I’m going to have to go with being a TikTok creator, considering how much popularity I have gained from it, and others too. It’s a great way for me to be myself and showcase different aspects of my personality. If it had to be something outside of show-business, a professional career? Maybe an analyst for a sports-agency! I loved data analysis in University and even did projects on sports in those classes, it’s quite a cool combination.”
You are extremely successful in TikTok these days. Which experience has been more exhilarating for you, making music or making videos?
A: “Music will always be my first love. I know it’s ironic considering the fact that I have gained more popularity on TikTok in less than a year than I have pursuing music in nearly a decade, but the thrill and catharsis I feel from writing and listening to music is unlike any other!”
Who do you consider to be the biggest source of inspiration?
A: “I have way too many inspirations, Muhammad Ali, Bill Gates, Dave Chappelle, Kanye West, and Zlatan Ibrahimović are some, just to name a few. In terms of music, I’d say Kanye West is very important to me considering the fact that I believe he nearly single-handedly changed the dynamic of the music we listen to today. Eminem is another inspiration because I rely a lot on comedic lyrics with quirky ad libs. Comedically, Dave Chappelle is wonderful. The way he stands out from other comedians and perfectly encapsulates a political or social issue without making it seem forced is nothing short of genius. Muhammad Ali and Zlatan are so important to me as someone who has major self-esteem issues. These were kids who grew up with nothing and never let anyone talk down to them, their confidence, self-esteem, desire to be the best, and outreach for just causes is nothing short of admirable.”
If you could choose one word to describe your music, what might it be and why?
A: “One word? That’s such a hard question! Maybe unique? I know desi rappers who grew up abroad, I know desi rappers who have lived in Pakistan/India their whole lives. I know desi rappers on TikTok as well, but I don’t know a single rapper who infuses all those things together as seamlessly as I do, and happens to be as good as me. I do believe I am a better rapper than most people I’m compared to.”
What can the fans expect from your music in the future?
A: “Fans can expect a lot more music on streaming services! I’m currently working on two solo songs, as well as a handful of collaborations. Streaming services is the next logical step and I can’t wait to continue building a catalogue on there for everyone.”
Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
A: “I have no set goals, I think the sky is the limit. Ten years from now I’d love to be an established figure, but most importantly I’d love to have a steady form of passive and active income. It’s the most important thing for me. Hopefully I’ll still be making people laugh, enjoy my music, and doing my best to stay out of trouble. Who knows what the future holds?”
Lastly, is there any message that you would like to give to your fans?
A: “Thank you so much for your support and love! It’s extremely overwhelming, and as someone who’s constantly fighting with himself in his own head about whether or not he’s good enough, knowing that I have people waiting for me to release content is the greatest gift I can ask for. I love you all.”