intro by madden levin
interview by cami liberty
photo courtesy of ted when
As a founding member of Mansions on the Moon, Ted When had his fair share of dedicated fans ready to support his newest project. With his debut EP released this July, Ted has surely been putting in the work to give his fans what they want — new music! The recently released evening EP gives fans a taste of the past and the future, and we were more than happy to talk to Ted about his career so far and what’s in store for the future! Check our exclusive interview with Ted When below, and let us know what you want to see from us next.
When was the moment that you realized you wanted to be a musician?
Ted: “When I was about 12 years old I found an acoustic guitar in the attic. I later learned my dad bought the guitar at a garage sale on the day I was born. I asked him to string it and taught myself how to play on the roof of my garage at night. I knew then music would be a big part of my life.”
You recently released your acoustic EP evening. Can you tell us a bit about the project and why you decided to create an acoustic body of work?
T: “Most of the songs I write start on the acoustic guitar. I then take the melody and lyrics and add all the different instrumental elements heard on the final release. I wanted to give listeners a chance to see the original sketches and ideas in their prototypical form.”
You also released the music video for your song “Good Things.” What was it like filming it and do you have any favorite memories from the process?
T: “I spent my collage years in Montana. I learned how to write songs surrounded by the natural beauty of the wilderness and I think it played a big part of my sound. When I graduated I left Montana and hadn’t returned until this video shoot. As soon as I stepped off the plane it was like I was transported back to the headspace of that kid I used to be. It was overwhelming.
My old friend and college roommate, Chris Kamman shot a lot of it. He won a raffle to rent out a historic forestry cabin outside of Yellowstone which is featured in much of the video. It was difficult hiking all the gear in and the mosquitos were scary aggressive, but the location was magical. Staying the night in that ancient cabin surrounded by wild beauty creating art is a cherished memory.”
What would you say are the biggest differences and similarities between your solo career and being in a band?
T: “I think the thing I miss most about being in a band is making music with my bandmates. I miss being able to bounce ideas off one another. It can be scary doing it on my own because there’s no one to check you when you’re not creating at your best. But I’m enjoying finding my own way and developing my own sound as well as finishing ideas I’ve had in the vault for a long time.”
Can we expect anything else from you in the near future?
T: “Yes! We are currently working on videos for all the songs on the EP! I’m also working on an LP.”