How has Florida been treating you so far?
Luke: Florida’s good!
Coleman: I wish it was hotter.
The last time we talked was right before the album came out, how has it been doing since then?
L: Wow that seems like so long ago. It’s been good.
C: The feedback has been great. We’ve only gotten one bad review. They said that the album was awesome, but Pogs & Slammers was a massive fumble and could have been left off the album.
That’s my favorite song!
C: Yeah, I don’t think he got that it was kind of a joke in a way.
When did you guys get into music and realize that it was what you wanted to do?
L: I was a teen. I was making movies, but I realized that it took too many people to make a film. Then I discovered keyboards, and drum machines, and that you could build a whole track by yourself in your bedroom. I’ve just been doing that ever since.
C: I think I always loved music, but one time I was listening to Californication and drumming on my chest and I was like I want to get into music. I remember that that was the first time I thought that. I also joined a band when I was 15 as a drummer.
What have you guys been listening to on the road? Any particular artist or albums?
C: Caroline Rose
L: Caroline Rose is awesome.
C: She’s the shit. Our drummer knows her through some third party connection.
L: Yeah, she’s somewhat new. Burgeoning.
How did you have the idea for the Haunted House Party instead of a regular tour?
C: It initially came from a dream and it kind of just fell together. This will be our 5th national tour and we’ve done a lot of the same songs the same way. I didn’t want us to feel like a Coast Modern cover band, so we just wanted to change it up. It’s about the spirit of the tour being chaotic and changing. Like tonight we’re going to play a song that we came up with today. As it progresses and we get more and more comfortable we’ll push the boundaries farther and farther.
L: The idea is to have the whole night feel like something instead of coming to wait and then watching a band. It’s like this is a whole event. That’s why we have the fan talent show.
How has that been going?
L: It’s been amazing.
What are some of the coolest talents that you guys have seen?
C: Last night there was a baby…
L: A really realistic crying baby sound.
C: I’ve liked some of the Avant Gard dance.
L: There was a spoken word version of Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri, like a really dramatic reading. People were like snapping.
What has been the most memorable show of tour so far?
C: It’s been great every night. Especially because of all the bands that we’ve brought out with us. Netherfriends and The Technicolors tonight are both super awesome. Dallas was cool.
L: Dallas was great. One of the bigger shows we’ve done on our own. It was in a place that has like trees… It’s called Trees. They covered the columns with tree bark.
Anything else coming up on your agenda?
L: Just working on music.
C: Yeah. July is going to be a big month for us.
Denny’s or iHop?
Apple Music or Spotify?
Instagram or Twitter?
.gif or .jif
Dogs or Cats?
Netflix or Hulu
Ice Cream or FroYo
L: Ice Cream
C: FroYo
Text or Phone Call?
Phone Call
Classic Art or Modern Art?