RÒSA is a band that met at a religious conference around two years ago. They've recently released their new single Stranger, which is about having discomfort about the romantic culture of our times and wanting to be apart of it, but feeling completely lost in it as well. We talked with the band to find out more about their upcoming EP and their difficulties in finding the bands identity.
How long have you guys been a band and how did you come together?
RÒSA: "We have been a band for around two years and met at a religious conference in San Diego."
What’s the story of why you chose ‘RÒSA’ as your band name?
RÒSA: "We chose 'RÓSA' after having a different name for about a year. Another band with a similar name threatened to sue so we just changed it. Being from LA influenced the name a lot. We wanted something softer and feminine sounding and short. Nothing much to it."
Back in June you released your second EP Wasteful. Did you find any difficulties when creating the EP or did you find it any easier since it was your second one?
RÒSA: "The last EP was much more difficult than the first actually. We worked with a new producer whose style was very different from our own. I think he brought some cool stuff to the table, but ultimately the songwriting was not where we want to be. So, in every way it was actually more difficult."
Are there any goals that you hope to achieve as a band?
RÒSA: "Our goal is be as big as possible while remaining as authentic as possible. I know that sounds fucking corny but we've done a lot of shit that wasn't authentic and we've hated ourselves for it."
You recently released your new single Stranger in mid November – can you tell us a little about the song?
RÒSA: "Stranger is badass. Make sure you follow us on everything so you can be ready for it."
Stranger is also the first track that is released from your upcoming EP. Do you personally think Stranger gives a clear insight as to what we can expect from the EP? Or is there just so much more that we can expect?
RÒSA: "Stranger is just the first thing. It's like backpacking through Europe or some shit. Each stop is new and amazing for different reason and every song is going to blow your mind I swear to god. In all seriousness though we are very proud of each song and are thrilled for people to hear them."
When can we expect the new EP?
RÒSA: "The new EP is coming the top of the new year sometime."