My Silent Bravery is a singer-songwriter from Massachusetts. "My Silent Bravery" symbolizes the inner strength, perseverance, persistence, and ability to overcome obstacles. He has toured with Daughtry and Kris Allen in the past and more recently has toured with artists Elliot Yamin, Eric Hutchinson, and Blake Lewis. We caught up with My Silent Bravery to hear about his fifth album entitled Breakthrough, future plans and more!
What is the origin of your name?
MSB: The name came about because I was touring under another band name with the initials MSB for a while. Around 2010, my manager at the time suggested we change the band name for marketability and for Google ability. I chose to go with a more commercial name. I wanted to keep the MSB in place, as my fan base was familiar with it and had a connection to it. My friend Caryn suggested My Silent Bravery and I really thought that embodied what the music was about. To me, it symbolizes inner strength, perseverance, persistence and ability to overcome obstacles. I have been dealing with a sports injury over the years and it is a challenge in my life and I continue to work hard to overcome that obstacle. I now try and inspire others to overcome their obstacles through the messages in my music.
In the past we saw you have toured successfully with bands like Daughtry, Kris Allen, and more; how were those experiences?
MSB: It's always cool sharing the stage with other artists whose music you enjoy. Daughtry and Kris are both talented artists and good guys to boot. I particularly enjoyed playing with Daughtry in my hometown of Worcester, MA at one of my favorite venues, Mechanics Hall!
What did you achieve most from those tours? Who was your favorite to share the stage with?
MSB: I think touring is a great way to really connect with the fans in person and make new fans. Not only through performing but meet and greets and interactions throughout the tours. I am a big fan of social media, but it’s always cooler meeting fans in person. There have been so many cool artists I have shared the stage with. Daughtry was a great one. Being a huge Bob Marley fan, sharing the stage with and hanging out with the Wailers is up there as well!
What is the story behind the new album, Breakthrough, as a whole?
MSB: I chose ‘Breakthrough’ as the album title because I felt it very much represents the MSB brand and mission of inner strength, perseverance, persistence and ability to overcome obstacles. I hope listeners can relate to it with their own boundaries that they are trying to breakthrough. This message has become louder and more pivotal to me as an artist the longer I keep doing music. The music can’t be just about me, it’s about the listeners.
If you had to have one song out of all your albums describe who you are as an artist, which one would it be and why?
MSB: There are two songs that stand out the most for me. I would say that ‘To Give’ featuring Matisyahu is the most meaningful song to date I have written. I am very proud of the message in that song and I make it a point to play it out as often as I can. But I would say that ‘Can’t Quit’ would probably describe me an artist the best. Similar to the band name, the song also symbolizes to me inner strength, perseverance, persistence and the ability to overcome obstacles. For me, to date, it’s my fight song.
What song are you most proud of on Breakthrough?
MSB: Tough question to ask an artist! I am proud of the whole record! I am proud of different songs for different reasons. I really like the message in ‘Pick it Up’. I like the worldly vibe of ‘Endless Ecstasy’. I like the vulnerability of ‘Bigger Picture’. I like the pop/catchiness of ‘Warning Signs’ and ‘Drunk off the Sun’. I think you get the idea that I am pretty proud of the whole record! I am still a guy that likes to make records as a whole, not just singles!
Do you prefer writing or recording music?
MSB: I like both, but I would say I probably prefer the writing process more. I love the feeling when you finish writing a song and everything comes together.
We noticed you recently toured with Eric Hutchinson, Elliot Yamin, and Blake Lewis. What is your favorite part about touring?
MSB: There are lots of cool parts of touring. I enjoy performing, hanging with the other artists, and interacting and meeting with the fans.
What has been your biggest milestone so far?
MSB: Right now, releasing my fifth album Breakthrough, feels like a huge milestone!
What is coming up in the near future for you?
MSB: I have some more tour dates coming up with Allison Iraheta and Halo Circus in October. I will also be releasing the new single and video for ‘Face to Face’ in the near future. I am also already working on new music!